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Exit reasons report

The exit reasons report displays clients who have quit the organisation and the reasons given for their departure.

How to view the Exit Reasons Report

To view the exit reasons report you go to Clients\Report on Exit Reasons. A screen will appear looking as follows:


Note that for these reasons to appear on the exit reasons report, ensure that:

1. Clients were exited or their registration was ended under Clients/Individual/Other Details and Clients/Group Clients/Group Other Details.

2. That you have entered the reasons for clients exiting under Support files/Exit Category. These reasons will be available for selection at the time of exiting a client or ending registration. If reasons are not selected during exiting of clients, the reasons column will default to "Unknown" in the report.

3. When exiting a client under Clients/Individual/Other Details or Clients/Group Clients/Group Other Details, enter reason for client exiting in the field for reasons that is provided. These reasons and the ones selected from the drop down will exist along side each other in the report.

4. Ensure that all the savings accounts of the exiting client are closed under Savings/Close Savings Accounts or else the system wont allow you to proceed.


The default report shows the Client's Registration Code, Client Account Number, Client Name, Client ID, Address, Membership ended, Exit Categories and Reason.

Click on the OK command button to view the report which will look like the one below:

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